Tour in a village surrounded by olive groves

10 Apr Tour in a village surrounded by olive groves

Tour in a village surrounded by olive groves


12:30 - 15:00


-, Μεταγγίτσι, Χαλκιδικής, 63078

Τύπος Εκδήλωσης

Map Unavailable

Participants: 20  students

Primary Education

The members of ‘Mylos’ Association in Metagitsi, offer to 20 primary school children and their companions, a tour in an olive grove next to the village!

There, the experts will present and demonstrate the cultivation of olive type ‘Galano’ that grows mainly in that area. Specifically, the children will get introduced to the process of plantation, the climate which olive trees flourish, pruning, fertilization and harvest.

They will get to know the olive oil, the olives, its derivatives and its nutritional value in our diet.

Furthermore, children will get informed about the efforts and methods residents implement, in order to produce olive oil of high quality while protecting the environment through organic farming.

Joining this tour, you will experience the hospitality of the residents, and enjoy various homemade treats at the main square of the village.

This experience will be unforgettable.